Tuesday, August 12, 2008


From Bill's Sister Katie:

"Some of you know that my sister-in-law, Abbey, was recently diagnosed with lymphoma...the most common blood cancer in the United States. One way that I will be showing my support for her is by participating in the Orange County Lymphomathon on November 15. I created a team, the "A-Team", in support of Abbey. The event will raise funds and awareness for the Lymphoma Research Foundation.

Please join me in honoring those who have been affected by lymphoma. If you would like, you can make a donation at my website: https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=273294&supId=228683256 I am also looking for additional teammates. If you're interested, you can join the team by going to my page then clicking on the link to "My Team Page"."

Katie - you rock!


Abbey, Bill, and Trent


  1. Mom, Dad, Sarah, Mat, Hillary and Bestsy are also planning on walking. Any others in the OC area who want to join us are welcome! There's no limit on the team size. Go A-TEAM!!!

  2. We'll be thinking of you Wed and keep our fingers crossed they have everything ready to go. We all know you want this started as much as we. Heres a big hug for Trent in keeping you in line with the breathing exercises.


  3. Hey chica,
    I left a message on your cell phone this weekend...just checked the blog and got the latest updates (great idea on the fundraiser Katie!!)...I'm waiting to hear more about everything as soon as you're ready to share it. Here's to kickin' some serious cancer a$$!!!!


  4. Great idea Katie. Jane and I just gave the A-Team a boost after checking out the Lymphoma Research Foundation at Charity Navigator and learning they are a highly rated organization.
